Saturday, February 6, 2010

Busy busy...

So this week has been quite a good week. Time has been going by so quickly it's hard to keep up sometimes. We only have 4 weeks left and then we all split! A month from today I will be waking up in my own bed in Ottawa, getting used to my old life again.

This week there was a play at one of the high schools here in Prince Albert. It's a private catholic school for girls, so the cast of the play was all female. They did Alice in Wonderland. My brother did this play when he was in grade 10. Frankly, I much prefered that version of the play. We went to see this play twice with each of our kindergarten classes. The kids had a bit of trouble sitting through an hour and a half play... but they seemed to enjoy it.

I finally finished reading a book that I had been reading since way back when we were still in Somoto. I can't wait to read the second one! :)

Yesterday we had another EAD and the topic was community. We had the opportunity to go visit the penitentiaries here that are just on the outskirts of Prince Albert. It was quite eye opening for us and for the Nicas. We were able to learn a lot more about the aboriginal community as well. I think the Nicas now understand that not everyone in Canada have life easy here. There is a misconception in their country that everyone who lives in Canada is white and is rich. It's clearly not the case. Sure, it's not the same extreme poverty as it would be in a third world country, but lets not forget that the cost of living here is quite high and we have different necessities in our country than they would in Nicaragua, for example.

Last night, when we got home I was feeling muy cranky. A lot of things were getting to me, yesterday. Thelma and I had girl talk for hours. I guess my spanish was much better than I had realized. Thelma and I talked about things that we don't really ever share with anyone. And it made us realize just how identical we really are. It's pretty cool.

Tomorrow the group is having a concert as a fund-raiser with a silent auction. It looks like we sold most of our tickets, which is really good. I hope all goes well.

That's all for now, kids. Ta ta!


1 comment:

  1. Great post Ariane! I hope you like your new room decor when you do get back. It's wonderful that you learned Spanish so well. I wish I could have done that and kept it. It just opened more of the world to you.

    Miss you,

    Mom XO
