Friday, November 27, 2009

Anxious as hell

We are now in the last week of our first phase of the program. This means we are almost half done the program. That being said, I am extremely sad on many levels. I love Nicaragua, I love my host family and I still want to improve my spanish. After evaluation camp however, Im getting very excited for our return to the great white North. I am some what frustrated though, because some of the nicas are not excited at all and almost act like they dont care if they go to Canada or not. Im really worried that they wont like Canada and will hate this experience entirely. But lets not get ahead of ourselves here...

I am still not going to talk about my host family until I meet them in person to make a better and more elaborate post on them. I will, however, say that I am extremely excited to meet them and so is Thelma. We are very happy with what we have heard of our family and cant wait to get to Prince Albert.

Lately, Ive been thinking of all the things I miss of home. I dont want this program to end, but I cant wait to go home and see everyone that I have been missing ever so dearly. I know that talking about this experience with people from home is going to be near impossible because the truth is, none of you guys can truly understand what Im going through, what the whole group is going through. Its going to be tough seperating myself from all the nicas, let alone the canadians. The friendships Ive made here will truly last me a life time. I have learned so much from all of them and I cant imagine my life without them now.

Well, thats all for now. Later gater.



  1. I was at work when you chatted me :(
    I miss you at least as much, and I'm a little bit glad you'll at least be in the same country as me.

    Hang in there... I'll write you an email by tomorrow :D


  2. Don't be worried about the Nicas' feelings. You will have your hands full just getting used to more changes. They will have mixed feelings at first just as you did.

    We are all excited to see you next week but it sounds like it will be a very little visit. Very short. Maybe that's easier for you?

    Couldn't you at least gives us some idea of your new host family? How many in the family? Are you in the town or on a farm or what?

    Have a good last week. It's warmer than normal here and mostly rainy. They are saying we will have a mild winter.

    Leon says he'll gladly lend you his skates too if that's helpful.



  3. Estimada Arianne, me alegro que su visita a Nicaragua haya sido tan especial... es un placer para mi leer sus blogs y tener una ventana a lo que ha vivido en Nicaragua.... espero leer más sobre su experiencia en Canada.

