Thursday, November 19, 2009

Facing my fears

Everyone in this program came into with different sets of goals. Somewhere along the lines of our second month here, I decided to set a goal for myself that I would over come some of my fears and try new things that I have never tried before. For instance, a couple of months ago, I actually ate a sandwich COVERED in ketchup. It was kinda gross, and kinda painful, but I did it. And I survived... bearly. When I came here, I freaked out when I heard that there are wild dogs everywhere. At the beginning of the program, I was petrified of dogs. Now I am quite comfortable around them and I hope, that if by some chance I work at the SCPA in Canada, then Ill really be able to put this fear to the test. Finally, a huge fear of mine that Im still trying to over come, is riding a bicycle. No, I never learned how to ride a bike, but Kayla has been teaching me. I still scream alot... and I cant ride it without someone holding me, but Im almost there.

Were all working really hard down here wrapping things up, going for the home strech of our last two weeks in Nicaragua. We found out who our host families in Canada will be, but Ill talk about them another time, once Ive actually met my family.

Tonight is activity night and we are going to the cultural palace to sing and play guitar with Shayne and Ernesto, who used to be our spanish teacher.

Im getting anxious for Canada. I will really miss Nicaragua. I cant wait to come here some day. I really hope that our Nica counterparts wont hate Canada. I remember my first two weeks here were really tough. I know they will go through the same kind of phase, but I hope it wont last too long. I hope they wont be afraid of the cold, hate the english language, get sick, hate the food, etc. Obviously it will be a huge cultural shock for them, but I hope they will learn to love Canada, just as I have learned to love Somoto and Nicaragua.

I cant express how happy I am that my community is Somoto and Totogalpa. After all the other cities weve visited, I really wouldnt want to live anywhere other than Somoto. I love working in the country side of Totogalpa. Sure, Leon and Granada are big beautiful cities, but if I lived there, I would always be treated as a tourist. In Somoto, Im not treated so much as a tourist as I am a foreigner. Thats the way I like it. Although, I am getting annoyed with being whistled at all the time and cat called because Im a tall white girl. All part of the culture though. It will be nice to go back to my own customs. I have learned so much here though. And I cant imagine living my life without the things I have learned here and the lessons I have learned from the amazing people I have met. Before I came here, I was dreading the reality that I would soon be turning 20 years old. That I would no longer be a teenager, a young person without responsibility. But thanks to this experience, I can except growing up so much more now. And so I will face my fear of finally becoming an adult... but God knows Ill always be young at heart.

Catch you later :)



  1. So happy you are learning to ride a bike!!!! Yeah Kayla!!!!! You are succeeding where none of us could. Imagine, if we live in the Netherlands, bicycle riding will be very useful.

    Love you!


  2. Ari You really made me go back to my past stating that you hated being whistled at. All my life growing up with coastal natives I was the "white ass" so on a daily basis I had your scenario you would think I would be bitter but I think it made me a more accepting person. Now as a 58 yr old I wish I would get that reaction so enjoy it while your young. It's really good for your ego!!!!!So proud of you for the dog & bike episodes. I can just picture you screaming.Marlene
