Monday, January 18, 2010

Because I know how much you all love videos

So one of the projects that I sort of took upon myself was to make a video/slide show for the group to have access to. I have finally completed my video/slide show last night and I have now posted it on youtube. I will now be posting this here and possibly on facebook also. I really hope you enjoy this.

De plus, un petit quelque chose en français pour faire changement. Je sais pas pourquoi dans le passé j'ai jamais fait de poste en français, mais bon. Voici un vlog avec Véro à l'appareil, quand on était à Masaya, lors de notre trajet vers Montelimar. Ceci est reconnu comme le mirador le plus impressionant au Nicaragua. Amusez-vous!

Here is another video from our first week in Nicaragua. Here you will see Leo and some of the kids he teaches how to play the grandfather drum. Some of the people of our group got to participate in this...

I know that the blog's frame kind of cuts off a part of the video on the right side. If you want to watch it properly, you can always check out my youtube channel. Here you will find all my videos in one convenient playlist! Feel free to subscribe.

more videos coming soon.


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