Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ajusting at last


Although I still speak very broken spanish, Im really starting to intergrate quite well. Obviously, I am much paler than all the nicas, and I still stick out like a sore thumb. But Im not feeling depressed and home sick all the time like I did when I first moved in to Thelmas house. At first it was very difficult for me to be seperated from the other canads because it made me feel very lost and severed. Now I feel very confident all the time. Its strange for me now when Im not with Thelma. Me and her are getting quite close. Everyone in the group is attached at the hip to their counter parts. Nonetheless, I am still much closer with some of the canads, probably because we all speak the same language, and we all sympathise with eachother. Were all in this crazy experience together. Im closest with Alex and Lake I would say. I love all the others, but Alex and Lake get me on a different level. Especially Alex, seeing as how I can have real girl talk with her. It strange how me and Alex are polar opposites in values and personalities, but we are closer than sisters. Weve already made plans for visiting eachother after this program is done. She lives way out in Tofield, Alberta, which is close to Edmonton.

Speaking of which, I dont know if Ive mentionned this yet, but me and Lake have decided that were going to France and possibly Jordan together. When I told his parents we wanted despreately to go to Versaille, his dad said maybe theyll join us. That would rock my socks. On top of that, Lake and myself have already made road trip plans to visit Luke, Catherine, Veronique and Michel, who are all from our group and live relatively close to us. Michel being the fartherest, hes from Quebec City. Luke and Catherine go to Ottawa U, same as me. So Ill be certainly seeing them in the future after this program is done. Vero lives in Montreal. I go to Montreal pretty often, so Im sure Ill be seeing her again sometime. Romain lives way out in Victoria and Kayla lives all the way in Summer Side, PEI. Weve already started cringing at the idea that in 6 months well all have to split. Possibly never see our dear nicas again. Weve already all invited ourselves to eachother weddings too.

Well I have to go now. I meant to get pictures up today but I didnt work. Ill try at another internet cafe. Talk to you soon. If Lake doesnt post soon I will ground him. Haaha.

Later gater,


1 comment:

  1. Hello, This is Alex's mom here. Can you please tell my darling daughter to call or post to keep us in the loop. Your posts are great and very descriptive. Keep it up!

